Random Acts of Kindness

Some people say that Random Acts of Kindness are silly, or that they don't really "work," but I am one to definitely disagree with that. I don't know a single person who doesn't appreciate a little ray of sunshine in their life. Doing random acts of kindness are guaranteed to brighten up anyone's day. You never truly know what someone else is going through, and your random act may just be the one thing that cheers them up. Here are some examples of things you can do, either by yourself or with friends, as some random acts of kindness:

  1. Leave money in a vending machine for someone
  2. Bake cookies and bring them to a nursing home
  3. Write thank you notes and pass them out to your school teachers and staff
  4. Pay for the person behind you in a drive-through
  5. Hold the door open for someone
  6. Write a letter to your best friend
  7. Pick up trash at a park or any other outdoor, public area
  8. Write positive notes and put them up on the mirror in a public restroom
  9. Compliment a stranger
  10. Wheel out your neighbor's trash bin
  11. Send care packages to soldiers
  12. Donate your unwanted clothes
  13. Deliver snacks/meals to your local fire/police department
  14. Make a "take what you need" sign and hang it on a bulletin board somewhere
  15. Send a friend a video or post that makes you think of them
There are SO many other things you could do for your random act of kindness, the list is literally endless. I hope this short list gave you some inspiration on what you can do for yourself!


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